Foiled by the Freezing Fog

My trumpeting sounds like a goose farting in the fog.
— Alex O'Loughlin
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Just when we thought we’d seen it all.

It goes by several names. Freezing Fog. Ice Fog. Or as Lisa calls it, “that f**king fog”.

Whenever you have tiny, super-cooled water droplets suspended in the air, then freezing instantly on the road, that’s not a recipe for a fun drive.

We were planning on getting started early for a 6-7 hour drive to Little Rock, Arkansas. It would have been our longest drive so far. “Would have been.”

We finally departed Kansas City (Missouri) in the late morning. We wandered into Kansas City (Kansas). And back to Missouri, which was still foggy. And gray.

I had the con for the first half of the trip today. Lisa had her camera. I think she’s addicted.

After a quick stop for a salad - I know, hard to believe - Lisa took over the driving. I took a brief nap (still groggy from the food coma of recent days).

Apparently, she drove us through some sort of portal. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t believe that we finally emerged from Grayssouri.

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And the temperature was about 25 degrees warmer than when we left Kansas City. I think we’re finally done with our Parkas for this trip! We’ve graduated to the fleece pullovers and puffy jackets.

I rewarded Lisa with a bag of popcorn. I had to adjust the microwave cook time to account for the fact that we were travelling at 60 MPH. Something about the flux capacitor.

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Lisa refueled herself. And then the rig.

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She stopped for a brief visit with her buddies …

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… and inched her way closer to the sunset.

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We finally pulled into our stop for the night. Russellville, Arkansas. We paid extra for the premium view of the Arkansas Nuclear One power plant and the glowing horizon.

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Tomorrow, we’re off to Memphis, Tennessee for lunch (I hear they have decent barbecue) and then Birmingham, Alabama for the night. Weather permitting.


Best ribs this side of the Mississippi


The big thaw