On the Road Again
“If you’re not crazy there’s something wrong with you”
“Are you guys nuts?”
Yeah, probably. Just a little. Maybe more than a little.
And here we go again …
19 States
52 Nights
6428 Miles
It’ll definitely be more comfortable in the new rig, but what in the world were we thinking when we traded up to an RV that carries 100 gallons of diesel ?!?!
Ahhh, crazy is good.
Last year, after our successful trip to the National Parks of the Southwest, we knew that we were hooked. Before we even completed that trip, we started thinking about where our next big adventure would take us. We settled on the National Parks of the Northern Rockies. And so the planning began.
The end to end trip covers quite a bit of real estate …
We’re also realizing that planning such an extensive adventure is … just … not … easy. In fact, it’s pretty complicated. We had hoped that the apps and tools to plan an adventure in an RV would have improved tremendously over the past year. They haven’t. More on that in an upcoming blog post. That’s called a teaser.
So, where in the world are we going on this trip?
The journey starts with a long weekend visiting the kids up in North Myrtle Beach, SC to celebrate Independence Day! That’ll be fun. After that, we head up to Asheville, NC for a couple of days and then onto Nashville, TN for a couple more.
Westward and northward we go with stops in Kansas City, MO and the thriving metropolis of Larchwood, IA (that’s Iowa), where we’ll likely visit the Grand Falls Casino.
We then move on to the central part of this adventure, with stops in many iconic locations:
Badlands National Park
Mount Rushmore
Deadwood South Dakota
The Occidental Hotel
Buffalo BIll Center
Yellowstone National Park
Grand Teton National Park
Bozeman Montana
Glacier National Park
Butte Montana
Caribou National Forest
Lisa’s got her western wear ready …
Chloe is examining new ground …
And I’ll be exploring the wild west, meeting fascinating characters and hopefully capturing a snapshot or two.
See ya’ on the road … and online …